
Hey there, lovely visitor! I’m Ally, your friendly neighborhood creative hailing from the cornfields of Iowa. Welcome to “Hi, My Name is Ally,” where I’ll be showing off all the random stuff I write, create, and occasionally try to sell on the internet.

In my mid-30s (but still feeling like I’m 25 on a good day), I’ve dabbled in more things than I can count. But my true love has always been spinning tales that might make you laugh, cry, or ponder the meaning of life. You’ll find my books and graphic design work here, and trust me, they’re like my babies—except I don’t have to change their diapers.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—I’m just over 2.5 years sober from alcohol. Yep, I’m the living proof that you can survive social events without a glass of wine in your hand. I’ll probably blabber about it a lot because sobriety has its ups and downs, and sometimes, you just need to laugh about it.

I share my space with my boyfriend of two years, who’s somehow managed not to run away screaming from my constant side projects. We love to travel and hunt for obscure foods to try. He’s the yin to my yang, the calm to my chaos, and the guy who pretends to listen to me while I ramble about my latest brilliant idea.

So, whether you’re here for the creativity, the sober shenanigans, or just a good laugh, I’m thrilled to have you. “Hi, My Name is Ally” is where I spill the tea (or coffee, because caffeine is life) on my world, and I can’t wait to share some chuckles, creative chaos, and travel tales with you. Grab a virtual seat and let’s make this internet thing a whole lot more entertaining!